Tag Archives: Repair
Light seal replacement on Miranda Fv
The light seals and the mirror damper pad on Dad’s old Miranda Fv looked a bit… shady, if you’ll excuse the pun. I haven’t yet got the first test film back from the film laboratory, but I’ve had this nagging … Continue reading
Repairing the Miranda TTL exposure meter
Yesterday evening I decided to take apart the malfunctioning Miranda TTL (Through-The-Lens) exposure meter, the one which is built inside the prism housing, and used by Miranda GT and FvT models. The prism housing is held together by a handful … Continue reading
Repairing the RE (part 3)
A small update to the Miranda Sensomat RE repair project: it is now on long(ish) hold. I don’t know whether this should be counted as bad luck or good: just when I had the RE finally working properly, a spring … Continue reading
Repairing the RE (part 2)
The next step was to carefully strip off the front leatherette covers. They came off surprisingly easy, which then allowed me to remove the right side front plate with the shutter release, and the lens mount plate. It never ceases … Continue reading
Repairing the RE (part 1)
When I originally got this Miranda Sensomat RE body, the shutter seemed to be completely frozen, and the winding lever didn’t seem to be connected to anything, it just moved to and fro. But, one morning while fooling around with … Continue reading