Author Archives: Jouni Rinne

120 to 620 film roll conversion for M.I.O.M Photax IV F

The type 620 film format – long since discontinued – was mainly used by Kodak, but also by quite a lot of other camera manufacturers since its introducion in the ’30s. That is also case with my M.I.O.M Photax IV … Continue reading

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Mirax Laborec telescope/microscope adapter in the movies

Dan Aykroyd in Ghostbusters (1984) Fun fact: The right tube in Dan Aykroyd’s ‘goggles’ (on the left on the above pictures) is made out of an original Mirax (Miranda) Laborec‘s telescope/microscope adapter; nowadays a very rare and valuable collector’s item.

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A new film photography site!

Recently I started a new blog to showcase the photographs I’ve taken with the film cameras I own, some of which has been shown on this site. Without further ado let me present you the “Lux Argentea” (latin, meaning “Silvery … Continue reading

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Site updates and a new domain name

At last I got round to securing a proper domain name for this site instead of relying on a dynamic DNS service. So, for now on the URL of this site is: Please update your bookmarks! Also, some other … Continue reading

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Numbers game

What is the mathematical possibility of me buying blindly two cameras from opposite ends of the world, with years between them, and ending up with cameras with successive serial numbers? That’s exactly what happened recently… I bought the Miranda FM … Continue reading

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