Repairing the Miranda TTL exposure meter

Yesterday evening I decided to take apart the malfunctioning Miranda TTL (Through-The-Lens) exposure meter, the one which is built inside the prism housing, and used by Miranda GT and FvT models.

The prism housing is held together by a handful of miniature screws, already quite difficult to handle because of their size, but the hardest part in disassembling it was removal of the plastic rim around the eyepiece; unfortunately I couldn’t successfully remove it without slightly scoring it. I wonder how it is supposed to be removed in an orthodox manner…

As I had suspected, there were some corrosion in the switch and battery contacts (Non-surprisingly: I am dealing with almost 50 year old devices here!). After cleaning the contacts, reassembling the unit and fitting a new 675Z-A battery it worked perfectly, and the readings are quite in line with the readings given by Miranda Cadius and Olympus DSLR. I suppose I could count this as a ‘Perfect Repair‘…

(In case someone wonders, the pictured brass PX625/PX13 battery adapter is from here.)

Miranda TTL meter, battery/adapter and battery cover
TTL meter taken apart
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