Tag Archives: Repair
Miranda Cadius II exposure meter repair
Recently, after a lengthy-ish search, I was finally able to acquire a Miranda Cadius II exposure meter, externally in almost “as new” condition. I was told it had been the pride of the seller’s late father, and it really looked … Continue reading
Customizing Olympus PEN (part 2): CS-31B leather body jacket
The other not-so-well-thought-out feature of the Olympus PEN E-PL3 is the grip, or originally, the lack of grip. For some – possibly aesthetical – reason the Olympus engineers decided to leave out the grip, present in earlier models, from the … Continue reading
Customizing Olympus PEN (part 1): VF-2 viewfinder
No camera is perfect: neither the old film cameras nor the modern digital variety, not even the otherwise excellent Olympus Micro Four Thirds range. I’ve had an Olympus PEN E-PL3 as my main digital camera for over a year, and … Continue reading
Loose Miranda lens caps
I’d like to share here a tip I got from a fellow mirandacollectors group member. With age and use, the metal push-on lens caps on Miranda and some Soligor lenses wear out and loosen to the extent that they drop … Continue reading
Repairing the RE (part 4)
The new Miranda Sensomat RE mentioned in the previous post turned out to be in much better condition than it seemed at first. All of the mentioned problems are now fixed: The exposure meter needle was only a little stuck … Continue reading