Category Archives: Uncategorized

A new film photography site!

Recently I started a new blog to showcase the photographs I’ve taken with the film cameras I own, some of which has been shown on this site. Without further ado let me present you the “Lux Argentea” (latin, meaning “Silvery … Continue reading

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Site updates and a new domain name

At last I got round to securing a proper domain name for this site instead of relying on a dynamic DNS service. So, for now on the URL of this site is: Please update your bookmarks! Also, some other … Continue reading

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I have been making some (long overdue) updates to the Museum and Gear-pages. More cameras, more accessories…

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Launch Party

This site is bit-by-bit nearing the critical point where I could start to think about releasing it to the general public… Ok, it will be launched later today… The ‘Launch Party’ will be at Yucca’s place :)

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