Author Archives: Jouni Rinne
Overhauling a Mirax Laborec
Laborec is a special camera designed with scientific / laboratory usage or astronomical photography in mind. It was made by Miranda Camera Co., Japan; the first models (from 1965 on) were sold using an old Orion/Miranda bellows system label “Mirax”, … Continue reading
Kiev 4A light leaks
My otherwise excellent ’61 Kiev 4A suffered from occasional (bad) light leaks, seemingly caused by a strong light coming from the frontside of the camera. This was something I could not ignore, considering how good the rest of the camera … Continue reading
Of plates and balls
I hate quick release plates. I really do. I’m talking about the quick release plates built-in the modern day camera tripod pan and ball heads, of course. In theory, they are a marvellous idea, allowing the photographer to disconnect and … Continue reading
Another Kiev 4A – and some buying advice on Kievs
A new Kiev 4A A bit over a year ago I bought a ’80 Kiev 4A. It was quite a rough example, it worked… just and just, the shutter was noisy, they were slight grinding noises while advancing the film, … Continue reading